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The low cost of franchising other restaurants, such as Chick-fil-A, increase competition to the point where very few applicants are ever approved. These low costs are also often a function of the fact that the main company owns most of the restaurant’s assets and leases them out, making franchisees less like owners and more like operators. Initially known as Open Kettle, Dunkin’ Donuts was founded in 1948, making it one of the oldest fast-food chains globally. As the name suggests, the chain was primarily known for its doughnuts and coffee but now includes a wide range of sandwiches, salads, and beverages on its menu. It also offers some vegan food items to keep up with the healthy eating trends of the audience. The U.S. remains the biggest market of Dunkin’ Donuts, accounting for 8,500 of its 11,300 outlets worldwide. The chain generated over $1.3 billion in revenues in 2020. Moreover, the company also stated that 60% of its sales came from beverages.
Markets Diary: Data on U.S. Overview page represent trading in all U.S. markets and updates until 8 p.m. See Closing Diaries table for 4 p.m. closing data. Sources: FactSet, Dow Jones One of the most impressive long-term stock market statistics has to be the historical 30 year returns on the S&P 500: The stock market took a historic plunge over the first half of the year. Note that data shown is the monthly average closing price. Returns include dividends. February has typically been one of the worst months of the year for the U.S. stock market. Historically, the S&P 500 has performed better in March and April. Since 1928, the S&P 500 has averaged a 0.5% gain in March and a 1.4% gain in April. When looking at the Periods in the Price Performance table, the 5-Day through 2-Year periods are based on daily data, the 3-Year and 5-Year periods are based on weekly data, and the 10-Year and 20-Year periods are based on monthly data.
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Another analyst, Alicia Reese of Wedbush Securities, made it clear that the AMC stock price today is inflated. Due to the meme stock craze, it’s so volatile, you can’t really predict where it will be in the next hour or day. Related: AMC’s APE-conversion settlement could lead to ‘potentially massive’ $16 billion equity raise, says analyst The company described “Investor Connect” as a way to put AMC in “direct communication with its extraordinary base of enthusiastic and passionate individual shareholders.” The theater chain also revealed that it has seen its “retail shareholder base grow beyond 3 million owners” over the last several months. On Tuesday, AMC shares were down more than 20%, trading around the $4 level. Even after that decline, analysts still see significant downside from here, with the average price target on the street being just $2.26. Given the amount of dilution that may be needed, that valuation seems fair at the moment. However, if the share price drops meaningfully after the reverse split before management can start to sell shares, even more dilution will likely add more pressure on the stock.
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